This tool makes it easy to remove the watermark from an image

Developing a project often involves scouring the web to find the ideal image that will illustrate our point. It sometimes happens to find the correct content, but that it is dressed with a watermark in the center. To remove it, you need to have some knowledge of editing software and a little time in front of you. However, there are tools to make the process easier, such as WatermarkRemover. It allows you to remove the watermark of an image in a few clicks. This cannot be used in commercial projects or advertising campaigns.

A tool to remove the watermark doped with artificial intelligence

WatermarkRemover is a free tool, accessible from any web browser. To upload your image to the site, you can drag it directly from your file explorer or press “Upload Image”. In case the image is not in our computer, but online, just copy/paste the URL of it. Note that images cannot exceed 2400 x 2400 format, and must be in .jpg, .jpeg, .png or WebP.

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watermarkremover tool illustrationwatermarkremover tool illustration

The tool works thanks to an artificial intelligence, capable of detecting a watermark. Illustration: WatermarkRemover

watermarkremover tool illustrationwatermarkremover tool illustration

The tool allows you to remove multiple watermarks at once. Illustration: WatermarkRemover

Once the content is uploaded to WatermarkRemover, the tool takes care of the rest. First, an artificial intelligence (AI) predicts the location of the watermark on the image. It can be big, small, multicolored… It is possible to remove several at the same time. It then separates the watermark colors from the background of the image. Finally, it reconstructs the background image in the area where it was present. The operation only takes a few seconds.

The user can then see the two images side by side: before and after the AI ​​intervention. Passing over one of the two contents, the cursor turns into a magnifying glass. This gives the possibility to see the details of the image, and if some parts of the watermark have been missed. To upload the photograph or illustration, simply click on the “Upload Image” button. The advantage is that this processing does not impact the quality of the image.

However, it should be remembered that it is illegal to use it for commercial purposes without the watermark or without the permission of the author.
