This tool automatically groups keywords to determine the search intentions of Internet users

Keyword clustering is an essential step in an SEO strategy. It consists of grouping together the keywords of the same theme in a single group in order to correspond as precisely as possible to the search intention of an Internet user. It is essential to write content that answers their questions and make them want to visit their website.

There are tools to make the process easier, like KeywordInsights. It uses live search engine data to group keywords into groups based on their similarity to each other to determine search intent.

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Simplify the keyword research step

Having a list of relevant keywords is essential to distribute your content to the right audience. The keywords chosen must correspond to the term that potential customers could use to find its site, its products or its services. This is an essential step to perform before launching the tool. It is also necessary to indicate the search volume of the keywords, which can help Semrush or Google Search Console. The list must be saved in CSV/XSXL format to be exported to Keyword Insights. It is possible to transfer as many keywords as desired.

keyword insights illustration with screenshot of an insightkeyword insights illustration with screenshot of an insight

The tool suggests topics to write about. Illustration: Keyword Insights.

keyword insights illustration with screenshot of an insightkeyword insights illustration with screenshot of an insight

Keyword Insights is based on Google search results. Illustration: Keyword Insights.

Using SERP features, i.e. search engine results pages obtained in response to a user query, Keyword Insights automatically builds a large-scale keyword cluster. Concretely, it defines the most important groups of words. If a keyword shares four URLs in common with another keyword in Google’s top 10 results, they will be grouped together. The result makes it possible to understand when it is necessary to divide its content into new pages or when it can be consolidated into an article for example. At the same time, Keyword Insights identifies the search intent behind keywords.

The tool also gives the possibility to follow its positioning on the targeted keywords. This makes it possible to know if its pages are in adequacy with the intentions of research or not, and to know the opportunities of optimization of its contents. OpenAI’s AI-powered feature is helpful in getting ideas for topics to cover and the keywords that should be used. Keyword Insights automatically generates an Excel or Google Sheets document with all the information (keywords, search volume, suggested topic to address, proposed titles, etc.) and insights.

To take advantage of the features of this tool, it is possible to test the free version. It will be necessary to turn to one of the paid licenses to extend the offer.
