This tool allows you to create a website for your podcasts for free!

Today, many companies rely on podcasts to attract new customers, share their knowledge and gain notoriety. Indeed, this type of content can be a powerful marketing lever and contribute to the growth of a company, provided that good practices are adopted. One of them is to create a website specifically for your podcast. Some tools allow you to do this for free, including Free Podcast Website Builder.

A website dedicated to its podcasts and fully customizable

The operation of Free Podcast Website Builder is simple. On the site, you must first click on the button “Get started with a free podcast website”. It is then necessary to use the search bar to find the name of his show. For more convenience, it is possible to copy and paste the link of its podcast RSS feed. Email verification is required.

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illustration free podcast website builderillustration free podcast website builder

It is possible to add the elements of your choice. Illustration: Free Podcast Website Builder.

illustration free podcast website builderillustration free podcast website builder

All you have to do is choose a theme and customize your site. Illustration: Free Podcast Website Builder.

Once done, our website is automatically generated and put online. It includes the photo of his show, a button to subscribe and even the list of his episodes. These can be listened to directly from our site. A podcast player is integrated at the bottom left of the screen. Moreover, when you release a new episode, the tool automatically updates your site.

Note that you can also add direct links to listening platforms, such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts or even Amazon Music and Audible.

The advantage is that all elements are fully customizable. You can rewrite the description of your podcast in a few moments, create an “About” page with the most important information, choose the language, add links to your social network accounts… The visual aspect of the site can also be modified. Free Podcast Website Builder offers to choose a theme and define the color of hyperlinks, buttons or the background. Of course, the URL can be changed.

The tool allows you to create your website for your podcasts for free. Additional features are available, but chargeable. Among them, the analytics and collaborative options.
