“This soup only took 10 minutes”

This soup works great from the previous day’s baked roots.

The roasted vegetable soup contains, among other things, carrot and parsnip. Roni Lehti

You can take pureed soup to a whole new level when you roast the root vegetables to be pureed in it.

It’s best if you have leftover roasted root vegetables from the previous day ready. Then the soup is ready really quickly.

Chef Risto Mikkola tells about the situation in real life: The daughter calls that she is very hungry and will be home soon. Mikkola didn’t have any food ready, but a quick look in the fridge gave me an idea.

– The day before, we had eaten chicken, for which I had roasted root vegetables in the oven. There was probably a kilo of ripe root vegetables in the fridge. I decided that I would make these, says Mikkola.

He always has root vegetables in the fridge anyway. Mikkola encourages using domestic vegetables. This way in October they are at their best. Mikkola usually buys a large amount of different root vegetables from the store, which he gradually prepares.

– Vegetables should be used in a variety of ways, when you can find them in the kitchen cupboard. For example, it is good to always keep parsnips, celery, fennel, carrots and beets in stock.

Because Mikkola was in a hurry with the food to prepare for the family, he boiled a vegetable broth and added root vegetables to it. Add a dollop of cream and the whole thing to the blender.

When the key turned in the front door, the soup was placed on the dining table. Mikkola still laughs at her daughter’s reaction:

– My family thought I was working in the kitchen again, even though it only took 10 minutes to make this soup, Mikkola grins.

The secret of the soup is in roasting. It gives food like food a really good taste.

Also, the juju of the pesto served with the soup is in the oven-roasted cashew nuts. Many times the instructions advise to roast the nuts in a pan, but then the nut does not get as intense a flavor, because the oven also heats the nut from the inside, and not just from the surface.

Walnut pesto gives the soup a good additional flavor. Roni Lehti

Roasted vegetable puree soup

500 g carrot in pieces

1 parsnip in pieces

1 onion in blocks

300 g of loin in pieces

300 g pumpkin in pieces

0.5 dl olive oil

1 liter of water

1 vegetable stock cube

1 dl white wine (can be left out)

1 teaspoon of salt

0.5 tsp black pepper

3 dl of whipped cream

1. Season all the vegetables with olive oil, salt and pepper. Roast the vegetables in a 200-degree oven for about 20 minutes.

2. Boil water, white wine and spices in a pot. Add the roasted vegetables and whipped cream to the pot and bring to a boil.

3. Purée the soup in a blender or with a stick blender. Check the taste and add salt if necessary.

Cashew nut pesto

1 clove of garlic

½ tsp salt

1 pot of basil

100 g of roasted cashews

35 g Parmesan cheese

1 dl olive oil

ground black pepper

1. Purée the pesto in a blender or with a hand mixer.
