This romantic marriage proposal ends in bad luck

How romantic can it be? Your partner organizes a date at the Zoetermeerse Rozenberg in the Rokkeveen district to propose to you, surrounded by fragrant roses. Sounds nice right? But when the proposal of a Zoetermeerder something went wrong.

De Zoetermeerder wanted to get some stuff up the mountain in preparation for his proposal. He thought he had the brilliant idea of ​​bringing this to the top of the slope with a van. Either it was too ambitious a plan, or the man doesn’t know the Rozenberg well, but driving up with a van is first of all forbidden and secondly not such a good idea. After all, the mountain is only intended for hikers.

Tow truck

The bus driver had come a long way to the top. But after unloading, the way down was difficult. The bus got stuck. Enforcers from the municipality of Zoetermeer closed the path around the mountain and a tow truck finally pulled the bus away after 2.5 hours. Costs? We husband had to pay 352.70 euros. He was not fined because the man had already incurred enough costs, according to the BOAs. Damaged green that needs to be replaced will later end up on the Zoetermeerder sign.

The proposal fell through and has been moved to another time. What a bad luck!

Source: Enforcement Zoetermeer

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