This refrigerator knows a trick that we might not be able to do without soon

Even everyday food planning can soon be outsourced to artificial intelligence. The novelty refrigerator does it using ingredients found in the refrigerator and tailors the meals it suggests to fit the user’s diet.

Samsung’s artificial intelligence refrigerator (left) can suggest recipes based on the ingredients found in the refrigerator and your personal diet. You can check the contents of the refrigerator in the convenient-looking and automatically updated list (right). Samsung / Adobe Stock

At January’s CES consumer electronics fair in Las Vegas, Samsung will present a new refrigerator equipped with network connectivity and a massive 32-inch touch screen.

A few years ago, these would have been the top features that Samsung’s marketing machine would have used when launching the product.

Today, home appliance touch screens and the possibility of remote access over the network are so commonplace that they hardly get any column millimeters in press releases.

Artificial intelligence comes to your kitchen

Today, in the flagship models of many product categories, the focus is above all on artificial intelligence and the possibilities it offers.

This is also the case with Samsung’s novelty refrigerator, which has the full official name 2024 Bespoke 4-Door Flex Refrigerator with AI Family Hub+.

Inside the refrigerator, there is a camera that gets its superpower from artificial intelligence, which recognizes different foods and even prepares recipes based on the ingredients found in the refrigerator.

In addition to being able to peek inside the refrigerator, for example, from a trip to the store, you get the contents of the refrigerator listed with clear icons.

However, the camera is said to only know 33 different products so far, so Samsung’s artificial intelligence cannot yet master even the most exotic recipes.

Requires mobile app

You can get the most out of the artificial intelligence functions of the new smart refrigerator just by using the phone’s Samsung Food application, which chats with the same company’s health application.

In principle, a refrigerator equipped with artificial intelligence should know how to prepare recipes from the ingredients found in the cupboard, which are tailored for you with your own optimal diet in mind – as long as the user uses the features of Samsung’s food and health applications in their life more generally.

News about the topic The Verge points out that although Samsung has been selling various smart refrigerators equipped with cameras since 2016, the upcoming model is the first in which artificial intelligence features have been brought to the limelight in such an underlined way.

Artificial intelligence even in the oven

In addition to the artificial intelligence refrigerator, Samsung has put artificial intelligence in its oven. Launched a year ago, it claims to know how to automatically recognize the quality and size of the rennet that is put into the oven, and to set the appropriate temperature and cooking time.

The AI ​​oven is naturally equipped with a camera so you can stream the cooking of your food directly to social media.

Sources: Samsung, Samsung, The Verge
