This real estate agent is moving back to the city center of Zoetermeer: ​​’The circle is complete’

Right next to the city theater in Zoetermeer, on the Duitslandlaan, has recently been installed Regron Brokerage. This is not a new name in Zoetermeer. They do have a new building!

It happened that way, says broker-valuer Ferdinand Jelten: “The building where we were was being renovated. At the same time, broker Rebel retired.” André Cremers is a mortgage advisor and adds: “That worked out well, we were able to take over his office.”

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The new building | Photo: Regron Makelaardij

About Regron

Just like Rebel, Regron brokerage started in 1991. At the time, the office was in the city center and they have now returned there. Regron will not stop for the time being. Ferdinand says: “We are not a big company, but people are happy with us.” André also notices this: “We often get people who come to us because we have helped someone they know.”

Bee Regron you can go for the purchase or sale of your home. The estate agent keeps up with the times: work is done digitally as much as possible. But if you prefer paperwork, you can of course receive a brochure. In addition to buying or selling a home, you can also arrange appraisal and mortgage advice here in Zoetermeer. Regron is not limited to Zoetermeer: ​​the company is active throughout the Haaglanden region.

Two independent businesses under one roof

The good thing for people is that you can go to one building for the purchase or sale of your house and mortgage advice. Everyone has their own expertise and you only have to be in one place. André: “Buying a house is one thing, but financing is also important. The fact that we have these disciplines under the same roof gives us a familiar feeling.”

Ferdinand adds: “Other offices may have the same services, but with us you know who you are dealing with.” And it works – it is not for nothing that Regron is still rock solid after more than 30 years.

A human broker

The men already feel at home, back in the city center of Zoetermeer. André: “The circle is complete. We said to each other this morning that we are so happy with this new location.” They are not only happy with the office, says Ferdinand: “I think this is such a beautiful profession! I see people in their saddest but also happiest moments. The human aspect is really the common thread for me.”

André can confirm this: “You see that people become happy when you help them properly. That is what we do: lead people to a good result in a committed way.”

Are you looking for a new home in the region, do you want to sell your home or do you need mortgage advice? Then you can now contact Regron Brokerage at Germanylaan 17 in Zoetermeer.
