This platform brings together resources to learn how to get the most out of Google Sheets

Google Sheets is an office tool used daily by many professionals. Although it is useful for organizing, modifying and analyzing data, it is not always easy to handle its various functions. It happens then that we find ourselves looking for hours how to carry out a simple action.

Now, there are platforms accessible in two clicks that include tutorials that everyone can understand. This is particularly the case of Better Sheets. The tool provides access to multiple videos to better understand Google Sheets and to discover in more detail how it works. The content, which is in English, is produced by professionals.

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Discover the full potential of Google Sheets

To learn about the resources available on Better Sheets, a simple registration is enough. We then discover a dashboard that allows you to have an overview of the last video tutorial watched and the training courses completed. To start one, you must first select one of the proposed subjects, to be chosen according to your objectives and needs:

  • Build a tool, for example a title generator;
  • Optimize a spreadsheet;
  • Discover the best examples of Google Sheets;
  • Better handle formulas and functions on Google Sheets;
  • Automate the management of its data;
  • Automate simple tasks;
  • Improve the design of its spreadsheets.
illustration better sheetsillustration better sheets

The goal is to save time when using Google Sheets. Illustration: Better Sheets.

illustration better sheetsillustration better sheets

Better Sheets has videos to better understand functions and formulas. Illustration: Better Sheets.

Each theme is made up of several ten-minute video tutorials: how to deal with the most common errors on Google Sheets, make a macro, create a sales graph that updates automatically… So many elements that normally require to look for explanations for a long time.

In total, 153 videos are available on the platform. To read the glowing reviews on the AppSumo marketplace, they make it easy and quick to learn how to use complex formulas, save time in developing spreadsheets and create more polished renderings. Essential elements for marketing and sales teams.

To note that Better Sheets is a freemium tool. Concretely, this means that it is possible to access certain videos for free, but that it will be necessary to pay to access all the tutorials offered. For this, it is possible to turn to the App Sumo offer, which allows you to get it for 69 dollars for life instead of 199 dollars.

The editorial staff of Siècle Digital presents the most interesting free, freemium or paid tools for professionals every day. Some web products sometimes benefit from strong reductions linked to temporary deals that we select when the software seems interesting to us. As in the present case, some content is not sponsored but contains an affiliate link.
