this Orange royal is the fittest of all

And although the whole family does exercise regularly, Máxima does not have to hesitate for long. According to her, the fittest is the king himself!

Have fun on the move

“Which one of you is actually the fittest?”, the NOS asks Máxima. She hesitates for a moment, but then quickly points to Willem-Alexander, who is standing next to her. “That guy here!” The king reacts somewhat embarrassed: “Well, yes, I’ll do something about it too. With great pleasure too, but well, well.”


Máxima saves him from the situation. “We also do very nice things together. Walking, on the beach and to the woods, with the dog. And that’s great fun.” When asked, the royal couple has some tips if the motivation to exercise is far to seek: “Sometimes it happens that you sit on the couch and think, I don’t feel like it, I’ll just sit on the couch for a while. working out feels so good, so good. So I always say: think what you get next and go outside.”

tight line

We can assume that Máxima often follows her own advice, because our queen has always had the same figure for years. We regularly spot her in tailored, couture dresses that have been hanging in her closet for over 10 years. In this article you can read everything about how Máxima keeps her figure.

Source: NOS.

Apr 23, 2022
