This name is still making its way into the Ice Hockey League’s boss race

Experienced sportsman Jukka Toivakka is known to think about the matter.

Jukka Toivakka has been involved in the decision-making bodies of the Ice Hockey League for a long time. ANU LAITILA / AOP

The Finnish Ice Hockey Federation will have a new boss at the end of November.

The association has been interviewing new chairman candidates since September. Then Harri Nummela announced that he would not continue as chairman for a fourth term.

The new chairman will be elected on November 25. At the same time, the federal council decides on the other new members of the board.

The coaching legend Erkka Westerlund, 66, has applied Ilta-Sanom according to the position of the chairman.

Also a member of the board of the International Ice Hockey Federation IIHF Heikki Hietanen64, has announced that he is available for the position.

What does Toivakka do?

According to Iltalehti’s information from several sources, there may also be a third name going to the tournament, the vice-chairman of the board of the Jääkieksliitto Jukka Toivakka.

Toivakka has reportedly submitted the application by the deadline, but is still thinking about it and may still withdraw from the race.

Mikkeliläinen Toivakka, 61, has been the vice chairman of the board since 2014.

The man is a long-term entrepreneur and sports influencer. Toivakka was Jukurie’s main owner and chairman of the board for a long time.

The new board of the Ice Hockey Association will start at the beginning of next year.

Iltalehti’s ice hockey expert Pekka Virta analyzes HIFK’s autumn. Roni Lehti
