This is why this information board is located along the Schansbaan

A yellow information board has recently been installed on the cycle path along the Schansbaan with the text: Due to coordination with flora and fauna, the lighting will be removed here. We are curious why this sign was placed there and will contact the municipality.

The board has to do with a test. The municipality wants to limit the amount of artificial light in order to reduce the nuisance for nature around the Benthuizerplas.

A little less light please

Artificial light disrupts the biological rhythm of, for example, birds, insects, bats and other species, but also of humans. Because a lot of this flora and fauna live in this area, the urban ecologist and the public lighting department decided to temporarily switch off the lanterns and see what the effect is. The lighting will only remain off this summer for the time being.

Enough alternatives

The residents in Noordhove were not informed about this decision. According to the municipality, there are well-lit alternative routes. The lighting along the carriageway of the Schansbaan has also been adjusted, with a view to light emission towards the bicycle path so that it is not too dark here. If the trial shows that the effect is positive on the flora and fauna, this does not immediately mean that the lanterns will be removed. The lighting can also shine in a nature-friendly way. For example, by using colors other than white light.

Would you like to know more about how artificial light affects flora and fauna? Check it out this website of the Netherlands Institute of Ecology.

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