This is why these lurking eyes are watching you at the environmental island

You unsuspectingly throw your old cardboard or empty bottles in the waste containers at one of the environmental islands, until you suddenly have the feeling that someone is watching you. And indeed, a pair of female eyes are watching you closely.

Do you think you are doing a very good job by throwing away your plastic, old newspapers and empty bottles separately, you are still being looked at with a critical eye. In Zoetermeer we see a sign with a pair of eyes appearing at the environmental islands in more and more places.

Additional placements

In 2021, the municipality started a trial to test the effect of the sign. The sign with the lady’s face has been placed to prevent the addition of rubbish. The municipality hopes that fewer items will be placed next to the containers on the environmental islands. With a pair of eyes, people could feel more uncomfortable to put the illegal garbage. These are often goods that do not belong on the environmental island. The action was organized by the municipality’s ‘Clean is normal’ project.

The article continues below the photo.

Plate with a face on the Spruitkoolakker. Photo: in the neighborhood of Zoetermeer

With a view to clean

Initially, the sign with the eyes is placed. This is followed by a second sign with the text ‘Together we keep Zoetermeer clean’. The signs are equipped with LED lighting that makes the eyes light up in the dark. So are you someone who secretly leaves household appliances, furniture, plastic boxes and other junk behind the containers? Watch out because you’re being watched.


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