This is why there is a washing line with written papers in the Stadshart

Since Saturday 3 September, a long washing line with white sheets of written paper has been hanging on the South South in the Stadshart. Each sheet has a personal handwritten message. Why are those leaves hanging there?

The washing line is related to a day of action by Museum De Voorde. Due to the threat of closure of our only city museum, De Voorde draws attention to our Zoetermeerders.

Subsidy stop means closing

The museum took action because of the possible subsidy cut by the new college. Without this subsidy, the museum cannot survive and the doors of De Voorde will close for good. Admission was free during the action day. According to interim director Hans van de Bunte, more than 130 people attended the day. Zoetermeerders’ handwritten statements of support were hung on a long line outside the side of the building as a protest.

Read the article further under the photo –>

Action day at Museum De Voorde. Photo: near Zoetermeer

“A big city like Zoetermeer deserves its own city museum,” says Hans. “De Voorde has an educational and social task. Zoetermeer schoolchildren are taught in the museum about the history and cultural heritage of Zoetermeer. This is important and must be preserved.”

Expressions of support from Zoetermeerders

On Monday September 12, a decision will be made during the Council meeting about whether or not to stop the subsidy by the municipality. “We have received approximately 900 statements of support for the preservation of the museum. We will offer these during the meeting.” Until then you can still leave a comment on the website of Museum De Voorde.

Museum De Voorde

Southward 2, 2711 HA Zoetermeer

Now closed

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