‘This is why many media do not write about John de Mol’

Catherine Keyl states that many media do not dare to write about John de Mol because of his enormous power. She once wrote a column about him, but it was not accepted.

© Talpa, NPO

The power of John de Mol in the Dutch media world is enormous. “Virtually every medium in our country takes into account the far-reaching tentacles of chief John, sister Linda and son Johnny,” writes Nieuwe Revu. “And family members, like Today Inside reporter Noa Vahle, are praised ad nauseam.”

Media power

There are far fewer negative articles about the Mol family and if there are, Johan Derksen ignites in anger on television in the evening. “Harmful publications are often avoided or stopped,” according to the magazine. “For example, the suspected misconduct of Willeke Alberti behind the scenes of the musical De Jantjes was never published.”

Willeke Alberti, John’s ex and Johnny’s father, has “made every effort” to prevent publication, the magazine says. You can read in what exactly she is ‘suspected’ of New Revbut according to the magazine the fact is that the moles are very conspicuously spared.


What does Catherine Keyl say about that? “I once wrote a column about John de Mol for De Telegraaf and it was never accepted because the newspaper was negotiating with him about a takeover. That was never said to me, but that was of course the reason.”

She continues: “Why don’t many media write about De Mol? Let’s face it: we all have mortgages to pay and if you have no income, then of course that also ends. It’s that simple. It all has to do with positions of power and John has that quite a bit.”

Verbal harassment

Radio maker Jan Paparazzi makes a spicy accusation against John in the same article. When it comes to Matthijs van Nieuwkerk, he says: “You should know how things used to go with John de Mol at Koffietijd and De 5 Hour Show. That was ten times worse.”

According to Jan, John also had Matthijs-like behavior. “Those programs suffered from a sky-high absenteeism due to the verbal intimidation by De Mol of the people just below him.”

Catherine denies

That denies Catherine, who presented The 5 Hour Show. “This is the first time I hear that. I really have not experienced that.”

As far as she knows, John’s team didn’t misbehave there. “I never noticed any tension.”
