This is why Karsten Warholm was not rejected – One big gap in the explanation

The Norwegian star’s recovery is put in a strange light when compared to the previous fate of the Swedish athlete.

Karsten Warholm got away with a nasty rule violation, from which the Norwegian 400 meter rowing star was threatened with disqualification.

Warholm’s fence crossing in yesterday’s semi-final was illegal when his left foot passed the fence next to it, not over it.

Italy protested the performance of the reigning Olympic champion and two-time world champion, but the jury did not penalize Warholm.

Manager of the Norwegian national team Erlend Slokvik revealed to NRK the reason for the decision.

– Italy made a protest, but too late within the time limits, which was half an hour after the first results arrived. They come a couple of minutes after finishing, Slokvik told NRK.

Italy made a protest because Warholm’s rejection would have raised Alessandro Sibilion for the final race tomorrow, Wednesday.

What about Petterson?

Karsten Warholm got away with his clear rule violation without punishment. PDO

The story of the Norwegian camp is guaranteed to be heard wildly in the Swedish camp.

Discus thrower Simon Pettersson was disqualified in the discus qualifiers when the jury later found in a video review that his longest throw was against the rules. The verdict came hours after the execution.

In Pettersson’s case, the time limit was different, as none of the contestants filed a protest, instead the jury took up the matter on its own initiative.

Why Warholm’s seemingly clear violation of the rules was not acted in this way has remained unexplained.
