This is why getting the flu shot is so important

From BZ/dpa

The upcoming wave of influenza could be particularly severe. Protection against influenza is then particularly important for older people. You can do that with a pinch. What you should know about this.

Anyone over the age of 60 should be vaccinated against influenza. The German Seniors’ League calls for this. Good vaccination protection is particularly important for older people because their immune system is weaker. By the way, even if you are physically very fit.

Older people not only have a higher risk of becoming infected with flu viruses, but also of severe courses, according to the German Senior Citizens League. People with chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, kidney or liver problems are particularly at risk.

In the best-case scenario, a flu vaccination can completely prevent an infection – or the course is significantly milder than without vaccination protection.

Anyone who has been vaccinated against the flu can thus also prevent the body from having to deal with a double infection without protection. Because a simultaneous infection with flu and corona can overwhelm the immune system – if it cannot counteract the pathogens with the appropriate vaccinations.

Vaccination best until mid-December

And when is the best time to get the flu shot? After the prick, it takes 10 to 14 days for the vaccination protection to build up.

The Stiko advises getting vaccinated by mid-December. If you miss the prick by then, it still makes sense later. Because the duration of an influenza epidemic can never be predicted exactly.
