this is what you can find at the bottom of the sea in Barcelona

It seems like an endless blanket of algae, thus seen sideways between fluttering and fluttering. But as soon as one scratches in the bottom of the seadiscover what they arewipes!, of those that are sold on TV as “biodegradable & rdquor ;. They are not, no. You just have to give yourself a underwater tour of Barcelona to get to the bottom in every way. In barely half an hour, five divers today they took out 7 sacks full of filth human in front of the beach beautiful sea. At this point, the strange thing is that the fish have not yet scribbled in the sand “dirty whoever reads it & rdquor ;.

The aquatic moral of the day? “Do not throw anything down the toilet that you are not sure is biodegradable Oliver replies in a rush. The sea begins in your toilet bowl”. Oliver Sanchez is the owner of the diving center vanasdive. Veteran of the underwater cleanups, among a thousand other underwater scrubs. He has spent almost 12 years doing cleanup actions with the Sports Club of the Urban Guard of Barcelona (ceGUB).

On this occasion they have called him from 52 Super Serieshe regatta circuit that this week has installed its monohulls in the port Marina Vela. It is celebrated in Barcelona on Rolex TP52 World Championship. Apart from sailing, they usually organize underwater cleaning actions wherever they go, in collaboration with the non-profit organization Kick out plasticyour “partner of sustainability& rdquor ;, what do they say.

“Now many companies do environmental awareness with shares of Beach cleaning& rdquor ;, Oliver points out. In fact, your dive center will make another one on September 15 with Diagonal Mar, “surely in front of the beach of the beautiful sea also & rdquor ;, details. On the 17th and 18th they will go back out to sea with bags, hand in hand with the Guàrdia Urbana, on the beaches of Somorrostro, Mar Bella and Nova Mar Bella. Cleaning season opens. “We always do them at the end of the season –justifies the diver-, which is when the marine storms and they enter the cleaner divers”, he laughs.

The early years, Oliver recalls, even had a most original trash award. What have they found? “very mysterious things -attests-, like a coconut closed with voodoo: with a forget-me-not of a person, a lock of hair, some keys…”. They have taken from the sea urns with ashes, hammocksup to a doormat of Welcome or a bottle with message. “It was the year right after the pandemic,” explains the diver. There was a very positive message, like we will get out of this.” He did not specify if better.

even a bomb

Of everything. “At the bottom of the sea there is everything & rdquor ;, snorts Oliver. “Curious things: find a tiny earring and in the same dive find the couple & rdquor ;. The first two years brought out many, many Bicing bikes. “The kids jumped into the sea from the Fòrum, which had a cement platform, and left them lying there& rdquor ;. Have been found tires, 50 euro bills, bottles of cava, ambulance oxygen equipment, bullets from the civil war. Four years ago a bomb was discovered on the beach of Sant Sebastià.

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Today they will have released in just half an hour some 20, 30 kilos –the weight of the dirt still wet-, “especially of wipes tangled with fishermen’s nylon lines, sinkersthe occasional can, the typical plastic…”. That Why are there so many wipes at the bottom of the sea? “When Barcelona’s drains can’t swallow all the river water – summarizes Oliver – they open floodgates. all that river water hangs out with black water and things that we shouldn’t throw down the toilet end up where they don’t have to end up: in the sea”.

Next to these nests of wipes, cans and plastics, on the coast of Barcelona they can be seen more than 250 species of marine biodiversity“as much and more than in the Costa Brava”, says Oliver. “Precisely we started to do the beach cleaning action because we saw that these bugs are living with our shit,” he adds. AND there is life. The fish look for these rocks at a shallow depth and close to the human zone because there are no predators. They use them as breeding grounds. As day care centers”. Disney makes you a movie with less.
