This is what the situation of the Finnish World Cup team looks like

Finland is getting a big team for the Eugene World Championships.

Despite the big team, Finland’s medal aspirations rest largely on Oliver Helander’s success. AOP

The results limit for Eugene’s World Cup closed on Sunday. Finland will probably compete in a group of more than 25 athletes. So far, 11 Finns have been selected for the race team.

Surely Eugene will be seen as an obstacle runner Topi Raitanenmiddle distance runner Sara Kuivistomarathoner Alisa Vainiopole vaulter Wilma Murtotriple jumper Senni Salminenhammer throwers Krista Tervo and Silja Kosonen as well as walkers Aleksi Ojala, Aku Partanen, Tiia Kuikka and Elisa Neuvonen.

Of the unselected athletes, the 400-meter fence has broken the race limit Viivi Lehikoinen and a javelin thrower Oliver Helander.

Based on the ranking, a spear thrower can be confident about their race venues Lassi Etelätalofast-paced Reetta Hurskehigh jumper Ella Junnilatriple jumper Kristiina Mäkeläpole vaulter Mikko Paavola as well as hammer throwers Aaron Kangas and Tuomas Seppänen.

A quick fence is also attached to the competition venue Nooralotta Nezirihigh jumper Heta Tuuripole vaulter Elina Lampeladiscus thrower Salla Sipponen and a long jumper Kristian Pulli.

As far as possible in terms of getting into the race, there are 800-meter runners Eveliina Määttänen, Camilla Richardsson 5,000 meters, javelin thrower Sanne Erkkolafast-paced Elmo Lakkajavelin thrower Toni Keränenhammer thrower Henri Liipola and pole vaulter Tommi Holttinen.

A three-time jumper entering the competition on behalf of the ranking Simo Lipsanen has said in the past that he is not leaving for Eugene.

The World Cup will begin off the west coast of the United States on July 15th. Last year, 21 Finnish athletes competed in the Tokyo Olympics.

The last time the Finnish World Cup team had more than 25 athletes was 15 years ago at the Osaka Games.
