This is what the renovated hedgehog shelter looks like: ‘Without the new air conditioning, the hedgehogs will quickly lose their minds’

Hedgehog shelter Zoetermeer has been renovated with 16,000 euros donation money. As a result, the shelter has been expanded with 70 pens, an air conditioning system, washing machine, scales, incubators and new computers. We were given a tour of the renovated hedgehog shelter while Naomi, Blommetje, Abby and a lot of other sick hedgehogs are cared for with love.

As a hedgehog you are happy when you have ended up in the rehabilitation department because then you have survived your illness or accident and you can quickly return to nature. Every day, more than a hundred volunteers do their very best to patch up hedgehogs that have been brought in as quickly as possible.

Dear volunteers with angelic patience

During our visit there are twelve hedgehogs in intensive care. Pneumonia, intestinal problems or dog bites leave these protected animals in bad shape. Fortunately, there are very sweet volunteers with angelic patience who weigh, wash, massage, feed and give the animals medicine. Geert Konert, chairman of the Hedgehog Care Foundation Zoetermeer, says: “About half of the hedgehogs brought in survive. Most die soon after arrival.”

Increase in sick hedgehogs

Hedgehog shelter Zoetermeer does not only take care of hedgehogs from Zoetermeer. Hedgehogs found from all over South Holland are brought in. “There are fewer and fewer rescue centers for hedgehogs and the number of sick animals is unfortunately increasing. This is mainly due to the use of poison in the garden and because we have fewer and fewer plants in the garden. The hedgehog has had a harder time. We have grown from 300 to 700 hedgehogs in one year. That is why an adjustment of our location was necessary.”

Through donations and empty bottle campaigns, the hedgehog shelter was able to expand the space and purchase important equipment. “It is unbearable here in the summer,” says Geert. “Fortunately, we now have air conditioners in all rooms. Even the hedgehogs were sometimes staring.”

Hedgehogs with ADHD

In the fungus and scab diseases department, volunteers are busy cleaning the lofts. There are toothbrushes in a number of lofts. “We use this to remove parasites and ticks,” says Geert. “They take a bath and we provide them with oil. The hedgehogs love that.”

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More than 100 volunteers work at Hedgehog shelter Zoetermeer. Photo: near Zoetermeer

Even though the hedgehogs prefer not to be in the shelter, they may secretly miss their luxurious life when they have to fend for themselves again. “They get room service every day,” jokes one volunteer. “Food and water are all included. And hedgehogs with ADHD can run around in the wheels that we have placed in the pens.” Restored hedgehogs go back into the wild. “We bring them to nature reserves in Zoetermeer, but also to the Veluwe or Drenthe. In this way we spread the animals a bit more throughout the country,” says Geert.

Do you want to help Piplup, Bowy and Bram? Then take your old newspapers to the hedgehog sanctuary. Volunteers fold sleeping bags from this and make scraps for the pens. You can also make a voluntary contribution or adopt a loft. Look at the website of Hedgehog Sanctuary Zoetermeer how it works.

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