This is what the new Dorpshuis Ichtegem looks like

This is what the new Dorpshuis Ichtegem looks like

“In September last year, the local government launched the open call for a study assignment for the ‘Village House Ichtegem’ project. We want to realize a new construction project on Dokter Bruwierplein that will form the new home for the local service centre, library, social grocer, Huis van het Kind and the offices of the various welfare services of the local government of Ichtegem,” says mayor Lieven Cobbaert.

“In addition to the building itself, this assignment also includes the realization of a green lung adjacent to the village hall, in order to further upgrade the site”.

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“After more than 50 years of loyal service, the old town hall is making way for a brand new village hall,” says Alderman of Welfare, Willy Hosten.

“Through further integration and enhanced cooperation between the various departments of our board, we want to join forces and expertise in order to be ready for the future in terms of meeting and well-being. We make this possible in the Village Hall”.

“Based on 3 submitted competition designs, a collaboration was entered into with B-ILD Architects from Brussels at the end of 2022. The submitted design includes an open building in a green village park, where the focus is on meeting and bringing people together,” said the mayor. “A place where every inhabitant is welcome and where there is respect for the environment in which the building is located”.

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“The greatest strength of the building is that it is compact, adapted to today’s needs, but can also be adapted to the needs of the future. The structure and techniques are built up in such a way that no expensive adjustments are required in the event of an internal change of layout,” Cobbaert continues. Based on the competition proposal, work has been done in recent months on further refinement into a preliminary design. “The services of the local administration, who will be moving into the building, were asked for their feedback and input, the advice of the security services was processed and advice was sought from INTER regarding the accessibility of the building,” says First ships Jan Bekaert. “All input was processed into an amended preliminary design, which will be submitted for approval to the upcoming city council on May 4.”

“On Tuesday 9 May, together with the architects, we will present the vision, concept and plans to our residents. Everyone is welcome in OC De Ster in Ichtegem at 7.30 pm”, invites Cobbaert.
