This is what Taylor Hawkins’ cover of “Guess I’ll Go Away” sounds like

“Guess I’ll Go Away” is the name of Taylor Hawkins’ debut release. Shortly before his death, he recorded the track with US musician Edgar Winter. The track is a cover originally sung by Winter’s brother Johnny.

Tribute album for Johnny Winter

The song was released last week (April 15) on Edgar Winter’s tribute album Brother Johnny. In 2014, blues musician Johnny Winter died in a hotel room in Zurich at the age of 70. The cause of death remained unknown. A similar fate befell Foo Fighters drummer Taylor Hawkins last month: he too died while on tour, for no apparent reason.

“Young, vibrant and modern” – Winter wanted Hawkins for the cover version

Hawkins provided vocals on “Guess I’ll Go Away.” Winter plays the organ and his lead guitarist Doug Rappoport accompanies the two on guitar. Winter describes how the collaboration came about on his website: For the vocals on the track, they wanted “a younger, livelier and more modern approach”. This qualified Taylor Hawkins, who had already made a few appearances as a singer for the Foo Fighters.

Edgar Winter admires Taylor Hawkins for his energy

Ross Hogarth, Winter’s engineer, mixer and producer, “had worked with Taylor a lot and was close friends with him.” Being a Foo Fighters fan himself, he would have suggested him and immediately hooked Edgar Winter. In his view, Hawkins was the “perfect” choice.

He consistently remembers Taylor’s performance and influence on the recording positively. Although he had only just met the drummer, he was quickly “impressed by his sincerity, his positive energy and his sheer enthusiasm”. “He had a unique, spontaneous style unlike anyone else I’ve worked with,” he explains. “I can be very opinionated – but as soon as I heard what he was doing I knew it was best to back off and let him do his thing. This session was an experience I will never forget.”

“I just want to get out there and rock”

Hawkins didn’t want to take any money for his work on Guess I’ll Go Away, says Winter. The musician did not respond to his attempts to initiate business negotiations. “I don’t want anything for it, I just want to get out there and rock,” he said defensively. Winter blames Hawkins’ “respect for Johnny, his desire to help me with what I was doing, his empathy for the nature of the project, or his friendship with Ross.”

The song title lives up to Hawkins and Winter

The musician philosophizes about the death of Taylor Hawkins and Johnny Winter: “The name of the song is “Guess I’ll Go Away”. Well, both Johnny and Taylor are gone, to a place no one can know where it is, but where we all must travel one day. Even though I know Johnny left this world, I still think about and talk to him every day, and I’ll see Taylor’s face next to his now too. Wherever that path may lead, I wish you peace and love on your journey, knowing that I will soon join you – as we all will one day.”

In addition to Taylor Hawkins, other musicians have contributed to the record “Brother Johnny”, including Michael McDonald, Joe Walsh, Joe Bonamassa and Beatles drummer Ringo Starr. Edgar Winter will soon be touring with the latter.

Recently, various artists had commented on Taylor Hawkins’ sudden death and paid him their last respects: Billie Eilish wore a shirt that depicted the drummer when she performed at the Grammys in 2022. Queen guitarist Brian May shared emotional words about Hawkins during an interview, and Fleetwood Mac frontwoman Stevie Nicks even penned a poem in honor of the deceased. Paul McCartney and James Corden also paid tribute to him.
