this is what Sophie Hilbrand looks like in the dark

What does Sophie Hilbrand look like with the lights off? Until now, that image was reserved for Waldemar Torenstra, but last night she showed it to everyone. “In the dark!”


Nikkie de Jager, also known as NikkieTutorials, now also has a podcast: Lightless Lounge. The gimmick? She, her manager Wes van Os and their guest sit in the dark during the recordings. The two were allowed to talk about it in the talk show last night Khalid & Sophie and the lights were turned off there too.

Sophie in the dark

Khalid & Sophie’s entire studio was blacked out for several minutes. “I want to test it a little bit, interview in the dark. You can ask me some questions, so we can get a feel for what it is like,” said the presenter.

She continues: “It is not as dark as yours and we have not been able to fix infrared, because that is quite complicated. We have to imagine this a bit. What do you want to know?”

Bullshit from outside

Then Wes comes up with his question: “I’m starting a podcast for the first time and then you have to deal with bullshit from outside. You will receive comments. You’ve had a lot of comments at the start of this show. That’s how you experienced it, right?”

Sophie surprised: “Is this your question? “Well, there was a lot of bullshit, but I have to be honest and tell you that I always stay away from that.”

On the side

Wes then: “Do you feel like you’ve gone through that now?”

Sophie: “Yes, I already heard it on the side, but actually I came to work happy every time, because I really enjoyed it and thought: I’m just going to do what I’m doing and then we’ll see how it’s going. I always find criticism from people in the neighborhood more intense than from somewhere further outside. Then I’m talking about my friends or my boyfriend.”

Domestic happiness

The final question comes from Nikkie: “How do you measure success?”

Sophie: “That is mainly due to my domestic happiness. Then it feels successful to me, if the people around me are a little happy.”

Hopefully the podcast is better. Otherwise the sound can also be turned off.
