This is what Mick Jagger thinks about social media

You shared my photos with all your friends / You put them out there, it don’t make no sense” sings Mick Jagger in “Mess It Up” – a song from the upcoming Rolling Stones album “Hackney Diamonds”. A swipe at social media – which the legendary singer can now gain a lot from, as he says.

That’s not all: Jagger also uses social media channels himself, where he often shares something from his private life (or from off-days on tour). “It’s just a part of life,” the singer told “The Wall Street Journal,” but also notes, “But there are limits that I want to have.”

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He sees social media as less threatening than before: “People used to post things and everyone thought: ‘Is that your new girlfriend?’ You already know. But now everyone knows that anyway,” said Jagger. The report goes on to say that he is even proud of his postings.

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Mick Jagger has 2.9 million followers on Instagram – 1.4 million more than bandmate Keith Richards. He is followed by 4.9 million users on Facebook.
