This is what Limburg looks like after storm Eunice has raged | 1Limburg

Storm Eunice hit the Netherlands on Friday and left havoc throughout the country. This is also the case in Limburg, where several roofs and trees lost the battle to the wind. After 9 p.m. the wind force subsided. Rijkswaterstaat expects plenty of traffic disruption on Saturday.

Wind speeds above 140 kilometers per hour have been measured. Eunice thus grew into the ‘severe storm’ category.

Eunice mainly struck the Dutch coastal provinces and the north. Code red was in effect for these regions for a long time. Code orange had been announced for the rest of the country, with the only exception of Limburg, which had to take code yellow into account. As far as is known, four people were killed in the storm. It involved two motorists, a cyclist and a walker. Three of them in the Amsterdam-Amstelland region and a fourth in Adorp in Groningen.

Roofs and trees
Although the wind force was significantly less with us, storm Eunice managed to break off parts of roofs in several places. For example, the roof of a canteen in Vaesberg came down. That was also a hit in Roermond: there a house lost part of the roofing felt.
