This is what King’s Day in ‘ t Gooi looked like: from Cabriolet ring stitch to Strong Men

King’s Day could again be celebrated in all its glory in ‘t Gooi, and that is what happened. From Strong Driving competitions organized by the rural youth of Eemnes to the Cabriolet ring sign in Laren. View all photos below.


In Laren, the highlight was clearly the Cabriolet ring sign on the Brink. In expensive open cars, ladies and gentlemen had to put a ring of string with a wooden sword. “It is, of course, top notch, but a little mondanity is also allowed on such a day,” says Laarder Leo Janssen.

Encouraged by an enthusiastic presenter, the ladies were encouraged to tear hard across the Brink. “Pace please ladies, that could be a little faster”, blares through the speakers. The ring sign produced spectacular images.

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The traditional Carbiolet ring sign in Laren – NH Nieuws


In Eemnes around 11:00 the Strong Men’s Competition was organized by the Catholic Rural Youth (KPJ). Encouraged by an enthusiastic audience, the Eemnesser youth were allowed to use their strengths on parts such as lifting tires, the Hercules Hold and pulling a tractor.

There was also a busy free market and the tower of the Grote Kerk of Eemnes could be climbed.

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In Blaricum, next to Laren, the Oranjevereniging is very happy that everything went ahead at the last minute. It had quite a few feet in the ground. “Around 00:00 at night we had to collect the last signature from Mayor Joan de Zwart-Bloch. Otherwise we would have had to call everyone off,” says organizer Daphne Rokebrand. “But to see everything running smoothly now is just such a thrill.”

There was the so-called Blaricummerie, several bands performed, including Massada, and you could participate in the tire changing competition.

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In and around the old village of Huizen there was a lot to score on the free market. Furthermore, Houses Got Talent was organized on Plein 2000, where children showed their talents. On the square in the old village there was dancing and singing by various artists.

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In the media city, the free market filled up very early. “My daughter made me get out of bed at 2 am,” says one of the participants who came all the way from Leusden. Reporter Rinus Michels got up early to take a look.

Reporter Rinus Michels at the Hilversum free market – NH Nieuws
