This is today’s SPORT cover Sunday July 2

07/02/2023 at 00:09


On our SPORT cover today, Sunday, July 2, we headline: “Vitor Roque, ready to succeed”

Spain’s pass to the semifinals and the withdrawal of Fàbregas also make the cover

On our SPORT cover today, Sunday, July 2, we headline: “Vitor Roque, ready to succeed”. The young Brazilian striker has an agreement in principle with Barça, and at the Barça club they already have him as one of the great pieces for the near future.

Arda Guler, one of the ‘jewels’ of this transfer market, is also being seduced by Real Madrid, who wants to open a bid with Barça to get the Fenerbache player. The pass of the Spanish team to the semifinals of the European Under-21 after the victory against Switzerland is also on the cover of SPORT today.

Cesc Fabregas He announced his withdrawal from the world of football last Saturday, news that we also highlighted on the cover.
