This is today’s SPORT cover, Monday, October 3

10/03/2022 at 00:47


The cover of SPORT this Monday includes Barça’s leadership as a central theme, with a prominent space for the deadly avalanche that occurred this Sunday in Indonesia

Madrid’s puncture against Osasuna that caused a change of leader in LaLiga stars on the cover of SPORT this Monday, October 3. Benzema’s mistake from the penalty spot prevented the Whites from taking the three points from the Bernabéu and that puts Xavi’s men in the lead 833 days after the last time. In a culé key, the interview with Lewandowski in which the Pole reveals what Xavi is like as a coach also stands out on the cover.

Also featured prominently on the cover of SPORT is the Deadly avalanche that caused 125 deaths in Indonesia. One of the greatest tragedies in football history.

Closing the cover are the chronicles of the matches of Espanyol against Valencia (2-2) and Girona against Real Sociedad (3-5).
