It is impregnated with ‘Spice’, a chemical that is smoked. The paper is shredded and rolled through tobacco. These ‘synthetic cannabinoids’ are new psychoactive compounds that mimic the effects of THC in cannabis. However, the effects are stronger, more unpredictable and more dangerous. The addictive effects are also greater, addiction treatment specialists and users say.
Invisible and odorless
Spice is now found in all prisons in the Netherlands. It is the ultimate prison drug: invisible to the human eye and to access scans, odorless and untraceable with standard urine controls. It can be smuggled in with a child’s drawing, letter mail, a note ‘to daddy’, the photo of a loved one, the cardboard box of a gift, a page in a criminal file, just think of it. There are even examples of the care label in clothing being impregnated with it.
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