This is the worst result in Diili history

The Diili team manages to make a not so flattering result. THE STORY CONTAINS PLOT REVEALS!

In the next episode of the deal, one of the teams makes history. However, this is not a positive result, but the program’s worst ever performance.

The teams must organize a chocolate tasting. The team with the most wins wins.

However, the management team faces the most confusing moment of the season when the results are announced.

– Sales 0 euros. I lost 1500 euros. Worst result in Diili history: -1500 euros, working as an advisor Toni Lähde states in the management team.

Jaajo Linnonmaa (center), Noora Fagerström and Toni Lähde have to weigh the results of the teams in the management group. Four

An awkward silence descends on the space as the losing team sits gravely Jaajo Linnonmaa in front.

– This went quite smoothly for you. Come back soon, and we’ll think about who or who will go home, Linnonmaa says to the losing team.

– As expected, we are on the losing side with the worst result in Diili history. It’s extremely embarrassing, the team captain says to the TV cameras.

Deal on Mondays at Nelose at 9 p.m. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.
