This is the way to buy fruit by halves without danger according to the OCU

07/24/2023 at 19:47


The summer season brings with the high temperatures tropical fruits with a size larger than usual

Due to the weight and space they occupy, it is normal for these fruits to be sold in halves.

The summer season brings with the high temperatures tropical fruits that are larger than usual, such as watermelons and melons. Due to the weight and space they occupy, it is normal for these fruits to be sold in halves. Thus, the piece is cheaper and we prevent it from spoiling before consumption.

Unfortunately, buying halves often has its drawbacks. The Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) has communicated a series of recommendations to avoid these problems. The specialists of the Spanish Food Safety Agencyhave carried out an investigation that analyzes the conservation of this type of fruit.

The first thing to keep in mind is that cut fruit has a shorter shelf life. Once it’s split in half, the risk of growth of harmful bacteria and microorganisms is considerably higher than when they are closed.

The OCU recommends that businesses extreme hygiene of utensils and cutting surfaces. In addition, special care must be taken with the conditions of exposure and storage, away from heat and sunlight.
