This is the ‘stripping method’ you need to know to thoroughly wash clothes

06/26/2023 at 00:14


I will tell you how you can take advantage of this method to wash your favorite clothes

Be careful with mixing colored clothes if you follow this method, it could be dyed

Doing laundry is not always an easy task. In fact, on many occasions it is quite common that, even after washing the clothes, let’s see that the clothes seem dirty, and that they are a little rougher than when we bought them. But if that has happened to you, don’t worry, since lately a new method of washing clothes known as ‘stripping method’and that seems to be able to remove any trace of dirt from our favorite clothes.

The ‘stripping method’ consists of leaving the clothes to soak for several hours so that all traces of fabric softeners and of detergent, hard water minerals and natural body oils that accumulate in our clothes. Getting the results we want by following this method will not be quick, although they will remove the dirt that seemed impossible to remove. What you will have to do is submerge clothing and towels in a tub of hot water, washing soda, borax, and laundry detergent. Leave the clothes soaking until the water cools, about five or six hours in totaland you will have your favorite clothes totally clean.

And while this method has gone viral lately, it’s not new. In fact, cleaning professionals have been using this way of washing for a long time so that the clothes are totally clean. Of course, it must be taken into account that there are certain types of clothing that it is advisable not to wash together with other clothes.

And it is that by soaking our clothes to wash them using the ‘stripping method’, it is possible that this detaches part of the tint of the color that it has, so you should always try not to use this method with white and other colored clothes at the same time. If you do, you will surely end up dyeing your white clothes, something that you surely do not want to happen.
