This is the result of the 2023 House of Representatives elections in Zoetermeer

All votes have been counted in Zoetermeer and it is therefore known which party is the most popular in our municipality. It turns out: Zoetermeer residents voted most for the PVV. This party is the largest in our municipality with 28.6 percent.

The VVD finished in second place, with 17.71 percent of the votes. The third party is GL / PvdA with 13.2 percent.

Results of the House of Representatives elections in Zoetermeer

On the map below you will see a handy overview of the results in Zoetermeer. The figures come from the ANP news agency and were mapped by the data journalism platform LocalFocus. The map is of the whole of the Netherlands. Enter Zoetermeer in the search bar to see all local figures.

Read more under the map>

Turnout in Zoetermeer

Not all Zoetermeer residents visited a polling station in Zoetermeer. The turnout percentage was 74.3 percent at 9:15 p.m. In 2021, the turnout during the House of Representatives elections was still 77.39 percent, in 2017 this was slightly higher, namely 79.93 percent.

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