this is the operation to save the bear that survived the attack of a male in Palencia

Apples, fodder and small troughs with water placed at the entrance of the osera are some of the elements with which the technicians of the Junta de Castilla y León and the Fundación Patrimonio Natural Try to save the wounded bear who survived in the Montaña Palentina to the attack of a male brown bear and his cub.

The brutal fight, which took place in Peña Santa Lucía, a highly rugged area between Santibañez de Resoba and La Lastra, in the middle of the Fuentes Carrionas Natural Park, was recorded by two hikers.

In the video you can see how a male in heat attacks a female who is trying to defend the life of her cub, and at one point in the fray the attacker falls off a cliff by a cliff more than 30 meters.

The bear was also seriously injured, and hid with her cub in a nearby narrow cave, barely 15 meters long, but of difficult access for the rescue teams that located it shortly after.

Since the beginning of the week, the experts of the Board, among which there are forestry agents, have set up an extensive device to try to save the life of the bear, of which the extent of her injuries is unknown, but the truth is that the endoscopic cameras and poles placed by the operative show that it is not leaving the osera.

The one who does is the little puppy, born this winter and who is in good condition, according to sources from the Board.

One of the objectives of the operation is to evaluate the possibility that the puppy be captured to achieve its survival and transfer it to specialized facilities until he reaches the necessary weight and age.

For this, as can be seen in the images provided by the Board, an elongated cage has been placed at the entrance of the cavity, but still It has not been activated while waiting for how the mother evolves in the next few hours.

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This capture protocol was already successfully applied in 2019 and 2020 with the cubs Saba and Éndriga, who, after passing through the semi-free acclimatization facilities that the Board has on the Valsemana farm (León), were able to be reintroduced successfully in the Cantabrian Mountains.

In this area north of Palencia, very close to Pico Curavacas, and located on the border with Cantabria, there was evidence of at least one other female brown bear with her cub, in addition to the plantigrade and its bear cub. In fact, this bear would have recently lost another of her cubs.
