This is the new Mobilepay application – One change can cause concern

The payment application Mobilepay is renewed. A version that is safer than before will probably be launched at the beginning of next year.

The new version of the Mobilepay application will be released early next year. Tiina Somerpuro

A new version of the Mobilepay application will be released at the beginning of next year, which is said to be more secure than its predecessor.

The most significant changes in the new application are the display of the user’s full name when sending or receiving money and the possibility to block another user.

With the change, the application can also only be active on one device at a time.

The appearance of the name prevents scams

Vipps Mobilepay says in its announcement that using a nickname or nickname in the application will no longer be possible in the future. In the future, the user’s full name with all first names will be displayed.

According to the company, the misuse of Mobilepay in Finland has remained at a relatively low level, but the change aims to prevent all situations where another user tries to cheat money by hiding behind a made-up name.

– Mobilepay is growing rapidly in Finland, and half of Finns are already Mobilepay users. We have a big responsibility to update and strengthen Mobilepay’s security-supporting features, Vipps Mobilepay country manager Shirpa Nordlund says in the announcement.

According to Nordlund, the company understands that showing the full name to the other party to the transaction may seem unnecessary or even worrisome to users.

– However, in our new application, we will also introduce a function that allows you to block a user with whom you do not want to exchange money or messages, if necessary, says Nordlund.

According to the company, the new Mobilepay will be ready for release at the end of January at the earliest.

Can expenses be shared in the new application?

Many Finns were upset a year ago when Mobilepay suddenly announced that it was discontinuing its Weshare expense sharing application. Use of Weshare ended on February 1, 2023.

The reason behind the decision was Weshare’s unprofitability. The application was built on a different platform than Mobilepay, and they did not want to invest as much in a separate application as it would have required to keep it operational.

– Weshare does not generate income, and in its current form does not reach activity levels that could lead to a profitable business, Mobilepay said a year ago.

Mobilepay merged with Norwegian Vipps last year. The Vipps payment application has a Weshare-like function for sharing expenses. At that time, many were left wondering if the function that disappeared with Weshare would possibly be added to Mobilepay’s application in the future.

Nordlund tells Iltalehte that he understands very well that the possible return of Weshare functionality is of interest.

– When the Weshare application was discontinued, it was said in connection with it that the possibility of similar functionality for the new Mobilepay application is being investigated. This is still the case. The matter is being investigated, but at this point we cannot promise it yet, says Nordlund.

Source: Vipps Mobilepay
