This is the “Narrative Distortion”. the key to Dani Alves’ defense to be acquitted

02/12/2023 at 17:20


The narrative distortion that his lawyer argues would have opened certain possibilities for him to be released

Daniel Alves He has been in provisional prison since January 20, first in the Brians 1 prison and later in the Brians 2 prison. Largely for a case of alleged sexual assault on a 23 year old at Sutton nightclub Barcelona on December 30.

While waiting for the final decision to be made by the Barcelona audience on whether the full-back will continue under pressure or if will be granted parolehis lawyer Cristóbal Martell would be working in the foundations so that Alves can be released. At least until the trial comes out.

Thus, they have used the term “narrative distortion”. To a large extent because the three versions that the Brazilian has contributed have been contradicted by other statements and DNA evidence provided by the coroner. However, for Martell, there is evidence that the relations between Alves and the alleged victim were consensual. This “narrative distortion” would be marked because there is a two-minute difference between the Brazilian entering the bathroom and the alleged victim entering.

So, this would be key for Martell could get his client go free until the trial is over.
