this is the company’s response to ChatGPT

02/07/2023 at 08:39


Bard will be based on Lamda’s conversational model

This AI was the one that, according to an engineer who was fired, had emotions and feelings

The launch of ChatGPT has been a true revolution in the technology market. It has simply devastated creating a supine expectation that had not been achieved for decades. Now, Google has introduced Bard, their artificial intelligence with which they want to face the competition and with which they ensure that they have achieved more and better quality. It is a conversational AI that will help us in many aspects of life. In addition, it is connected to the Internet and will offer current information.

It will be based on the Lamda model, the AI ​​that “had feelings” according to one of the engineers who worked on its development.

Now, those of California want to be very careful with how their AI works. First a few testers will have access to the service. Afterwards, they will release Bard to the public but it will be a reduced and ‘capada’ version of the same. This will guarantee that more users can try it even if it is more limited since it will not put all its capabilities on the grill.

Thus, they seek to be much more careful than OpenAI has been with ChatGPT and Facebook, which had to withdraw its Galactica AI three days after launching it because had turned racist and supremacist.

We will see the next step of Google tomorrow Wednesday February 8 when you present all the AI-related news that you have in store for your search engine. The company promises a real revolution in this field, with a really deep battery and updated with the best of its artificial intelligence.
