This is the Belgica: new research vessel for the first time as far as the North Pole

This is the Belgica: new research vessel for the first time as far as the North Pole

The new ship costs 54 million euros and is made in Spain. This allows our maritime scientists to conduct marine research in the most innovative way.

“World champion in maritime research”

The new Belgium. 71 meters long and an example of Belgian cooperation. Defense and the Flemish and federal scientific research institutions use the ship.

“We are proud of the Belgica”, says Vincent Van Quickenborne. “It is the Belgica 2. The previous one sailed for 37 years. We are world champions in maritime research. Belgium with its small North Sea is an example for many countries in the world. This is a floating high-tech laboratory where many domestic and foreign researchers can get to work.”

Research up to the North Pole in Greenland

The Belgica can take measurements up to a depth of 5,000 meters. There is even a small icebreaker for use in Arctic waters. It will therefore sail much further than our own Belgian waters. “They will even go as far as the North Pole in Greenland next year to look at the ice sheets, the fauna and the flora.”

(read more below the photo)

More than 300 days at sea

Scientific research on seas and oceans will become increasingly important in the future.

“It’s about biological research, we look at the organisms. It’s about geological research. We look at the soil. We look at the water column, the currents. There is chemical research,” says Kelle Moreau of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences

The Belgica is now one of the best equipped research vessels in Europe. It goes out to sea more than 300 days a year.
