‘This is really very strange’

René le Blanc is pretty pissed off at Jan Uriot. The fairground artist finds it scandalous that the Private journalist has shared their private get-together with the rest of the world. “What bullsh*t!”


Private star journalist Jan Uriot has revealed that René le Blanc called him desperately, because he is hardly ever invited to a red carpet. “He says: ‘Who should I call for that?’ Then I gave him a number of people he can call if you do want to be present at premieres.”

‘What a ge*l!’

René is not pleased with that revelation. “What a bullsh*t again. Sometimes, pfff, media… What a ge*l. ??? Been on television five times last week. Oh yes, they called me ?”, he writes angrily on Instagram.

What a strange reaction, says Jan in his section What Does Jan Think. “That is also something very strange. I’m at this desk four weeks ago telling you that René called me because he said he wasn’t invited to red carpets and premieres. “What can I do about it?” he said. I say: ‘Then you can call a few people who will arrange that.’”

Ugly things

It really happened that way, says Jan. “I know a few PR people, so from Stardust, from Stage, from Cornelissen, and so on. I passed all that on to him. I’ve texted all those phone numbers to him, he still sends back: ‘Thanks friend.’ I think: really nice.”

He continues: “Then he got angry. Then he will say very ugly things about me on Instagram and I don’t know much. It wasn’t true, it was bullsh*t. Then I think: stop it, because I’m offering someone a helping hand. There is also a good person in me. (…) He thinks he is a world star!”
