This is Olena Zelenska, the first woman in Ukraine

The wife of the President of Ukraine Olena Zelenska did not miss the public, but has understood the benefits of visibility. Zelenska met her husband at a young age, changed fields and is now fighting for important things.

The Ukrainian presidential couple has held one since studying. AOP

In recent months, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi, 44, has become familiar to the world. At the same time, his wife, Ukraine’s first woman Olena Zelenska, 44, has also become known.

When Russia launched an offensive war in Ukraine in February, Zelenska was alongside her husband. At least mentally. Zelenskyi has led his country from Kiev. Zelenska and the children of the family are also known to be in Kiev, but for safety reasons the place has not been told in public.

This is the story of Olena Zelenska.

Olena Kijaško was born in Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, in 1978. Only a few weeks earlier, Volodymyr Zelenskyi had been born in the same city and, as we know, played a significant role in Olen’s life. As children, however, they did not know each other.

They both began their studies at the city university in 1995. Olena studied architecture, Volodymyr law. When the couple’s paths met, a love story began.

The couple married in 2003. The couple’s firstborn Oleksandra was born in 2004. Little brother Kyrylo was born in 2013.

The couple headed for new careers. Zelenska was involved in the Kvartal 95 TV production company founded by her husband. Zelenska worked for the company as a screenwriter.

Their production includes the political satire Servant of the People, which is presented in Finland by Yle. In the series, Zelenskyi portrays an ordinary man, a history teacher, who becomes president of Ukraine without political experience. Zelenska was involved in the scriptwriting of the series.

The story of the series came true in real life. Zelensky became president of Ukraine in May 2019, when he won the election with 73 percent of the vote.

In support of the spouse

The couple in March 2019, when Volodymyr Zelenskyi was still a presidential candidate. AOP

Zelenska was no more excited when her husband decided to run for president.

– I wasn’t very happy with his plans. I realized how much everything would change – and what difficulties we would face, Zelenska said in an interview with Vogue in Ukraine in 2019.

Zelenska found out her husband was officially running for office when Zelenskyi spoke about it in an entertainment program broadcast. At the same time, the news spread to all Ukrainian media.

– When I asked, “why didn’t you tell me?” He replied “I forgot”. My husband can surprise me, Zelenska described what happened.

– We had been discussing this for a long time and I said that I support him in everything.

Zelenska has represented alongside her husband, but she has also continued her work as a screenwriter.

The couple in December 2021. AOP

Zelenska has not longed for publicity in the spotlight. In 2019, he stated that he was a private person who had to get used to the new situation.

With her husband’s presidency, Zelenska has also taken on a political role. He says he also understood the benefits of publicity.

“One of them is the opportunity to draw people’s attention to important social issues,” Zelenska explained in an interview with Vogue.

Humanitarian issues in particular have always been close to Zelenska’s heart. Zelenska has also spoken out and advocated for equality, the Ukrainian language and school meals, among other things.

Among other things, equality is a matter of the heart for Zelenska. AOP

Olena Zelenska is a screenwriter by profession. AOP

Zelenska has stated that their children understand what war is all about. Zelenska has also said that, like others, she is afraid for her husband’s safety.

– Every morning before I call her, I pray that everything is going well, Zelenska told ABC News.

– I also know how strong he is. He endures anything, especially when defending the people and things he loves.

Among other things, Zelenska herself has used her own Instagram account to highlight the plight of children in the war. He has also highlighted the scale of the child victims of the war.

The presidential couple will continue to work for a free Ukraine.

Volodymyr Zelenskyi visited the hospital to meet with war-torn Ukrainian soldiers.

Sources: Vogue, People, Tatler, ABC News
