“This is not about the government, but about the citizens”

  • Minister Bolaños summarizes the measures included in the plan to respond to the war in Ukraine, “the Europe’s most ambitious

  • The executive promises approve another package of initiatives if necessary to deal with the conflict, because it seeks to “protect” citizens

The Government was condemned to go through one of the most complicated moments of the legislature this Thursday. Something that was unthinkable less than a month ago, when Pedro Sánchez presented in Congress the national response plan to the consequences of the war in Ukraine, but Pegasus has contaminated everything. And until practically the start of the plenary session in the lower house, he was struggling to get it off the ground. Both the groups most clearly in opposition and the usual partners wanted to pass the bill to the Executive, punish him. For different reasons. But the sum approached Sánchez to the abyss. Only the favorable vote of the five Bildu deputies, announced this Thursday at 9.30 by his spokesperson, Mertxe Aizpurua, allowed the bipartite to breathe. Already he had 175 votes on his sidewith which he could carry out the text, although for the minimum, even with the no of the PP.

Aware that other factors had intersected in the debate in Congress on the validation of the anti-crisis royal decree law, the head of the Presidency, Félix Bolaños, articulated his defense in the gallery, appealing to the immediate impact it would have on the lives of Spaniards if the text dropped. “Today’s Vote [por este jueves] it’s not from the government, but of the citizens who gave them their vote, that is what today’s vote is about. And I am sorry to say that those who vote that they are not harming the citizens with the sole purpose of damaging the government, when they have been voted to make life easier for people. That is the purpose of the royal decree law,” assured the strong man of the Executive.

“Those who vote that they are not harming citizens with the sole purpose of damaging the Government, when they have voted to make life easier for people,” warns the minister

Bolaños argued that the plan drawn up by the Government, which mobilizes 16,000 million euros (6,000 million in aid and tax reductions and another 10,000 in ICO credits), is “Europe’s most ambitious“And it contains measures that affect the day-to-day life of citizens, alleviating the effects of the war: the bonus of 20 cents for each liter of fuel (300 million advances have been released and the demand of 97% of the stations has been covered of service), the ceiling on rents, the increase in the minimum vital income or subsidies to the sectors that are suffering the most from the crisis. The text, he said, addresses the needs of companies and the self-employed “in an integral way”.

“Vote as people would vote”

So now it’s “time to solutionsof responsibility and leadership,” he said. “Who wants gasoline is raised to the citizens, that tomorrow the electricity bill is more expensive, that the rent is raised by almost 10% for tenants who have lease contracts? Who wants to remove aid to carriers, to the livestock sector? Who wants to abolish the aid of 1,250 euros per truck, abolish the electric social bonus for 600,000 families, abolish the increase in the minimum vital income? Someone of you? Then you will agree with me that it is incomprehensible to vote no to this royal decree law“, defended the minister. It was the chain of arguments that the Executive had prepared in the last hours in case the decree was shipwrecked.

“Who wants gasoline to rise for citizens, for electricity to be more expensive, for rent to rise by almost 10% for tenants?” asks Bolaños

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Sánchez wanted this vote to send a message “of Unitwith a strong response, from a State that protects its citizens”, as Bolaños stated. “Vote how the people would vote [que les eligieron] if you sit in that seat, vote thinking of people who work hard, who are here to help all of them. Let’s make your life easier, and for that alone I ask for support for the royal decree law,” concluded the minister, who has carried the weight of the negotiations with the groups.

For the Government, the rule “only has the purpose of protect and help the Spanish before the impact of a war at the doors of the European Union”. And he will not hesitate to approve “all the measures that are necessary to overcome the difficulties” that arise, guaranteed Bolaños.

The adjusted accounts of the Executive

The head of the Presidency, Félix Bolaños, went up to the Congress rostrum at nine in the morning and delivered a speech of just 15 minutes. Barely a quarter of an hour later, Bildu announced his yes, just as he had done minutes before the start of the plenary session Teruel exists. After ten o’clock, the deputy of the BNGNéstor Rego, closed with the PSOE this morning.

In this way, if there are no scares in the vote and no parliamentarian is missing or none is confused, the scoreboard should throw the result of 176 yeses and 172 noes, plus one abstention. In the block in favor, PSOE (120), United We Can (34, including Meri Pita, deputy who went to the Mixed), PNV (6), Bildu (5), PDECat (4), Más País (2), Compromís (1), BNG (1), Regionalist Party of Cantabria (1), Nueva Canarias (1) and Teruel Exists (1).

In it not, are Vox (52), ERC (13), Ciudadanos (9), Junts (4), CUP (2), former UPN deputies Sergio Sayas and Carlos García Adanero (2), Foro Asturias (1) and former parliamentarian orange Pablo Cambronero, and presumably the PP (88). In total, 172 votes against. Y Ana Oramas, from the Canarian Coalition, remains in abstention.
