This is how you save money with used car spare parts

From BZ/dpa

If you rely on used parts for car repairs, you can save a lot of money. However, many workshops do not offer this themselves – often for reasons of safety or guarantees.

Shock absorbers, doors, headlights or even a steering wheel – the list of parts that come up when a car is recycled is long. And depending on how old the car was, these are often new vehicle parts that are actually too good to throw away.

But is it even possible to repair a car with used parts?

Which parts are suitable for a repair with used parts?

“In principle, all parts can be replaced with used parts. Of course, when it comes to wearing parts, you have to make sure that they still have enough remaining durability,” says Arnulf Thiemel from ADAC. Particular caution is advised with safety-relevant used parts.

If these come from an accident car, the exact damage of which is not known, it might be better to choose other parts, advises Thiemel and says: “In the event of a small parking bump at the front, a used rear axle control arm may be justifiable, provided it is not otherwise damaged. But not in a rear-end collision.”

According to the ADAC, however, after a few years there are sometimes no new parts at all, especially when it comes to design and interior parts.

Many car manufacturers and third-party suppliers now also offer refurbished parts. “They are usually much cheaper, but offer the same high quality – sometimes even with a full new part guarantee,” says Thiemel.

Do all workshops offer this?

Brand workshops install – sometimes only on request – partly industrially processed parts from their manufacturer. “Independent workshops sometimes also offer repairs with used parts,” says Thiemel. However, liability can then be excluded because not every workshop necessarily purchases parts from a recycler who gives a guarantee on them.

According to Thiemel, it also becomes difficult when such a part breaks. “The customer usually has to pay for the removal and the new or different part. Because it’s difficult to tell whether the part itself already had a defect – or whether the defect was caused by the workshop during installation,” says Thiemel.

What does the motor trade say?

The German Motor Vehicle Trade Association (ZDK) has been dealing with used parts for years, especially in connection with accident repairs – and mentions uncertainties.

“An essential prerequisite for the use of used parts is that these parts can be clearly identified and that there is no safety risk when using these parts,” says Ulrich Köster from the ZDK. In particular with regard to the problem of clearly identifying used spare parts, however, their use has not yet become established.

This means: With a used part, it can sometimes not be clearly recognizable what it is – for example because there is no corresponding designation or marking such as a color code.

A corresponding list of requirements from market participants such as the ZDK has been drawn up but has not yet been implemented. In order to avoid possible liability issues, some workshops then refrain from using them.

How high is the savings potential?

Very high. If everything goes smoothly, you can save the ADAC a lot of money.

Especially if you carry out simpler repairs yourself with non-safety-related used parts. Hagen Hamm puts the savings potential at a good 50 percent.

Are used parts just as safe as new parts?

According to the ADAC, this depends heavily on the source from which they come. If they come from large, well-known recyclers, have been checked and come with a guarantee, the risk is manageable.

The situation is different for parts from unknown sources or from private sources if there is no information about further damage to the car.

Here and with safety-relevant parts, the ADAC advises to rely on another offer or a processed original or new part.

Where can you find used parts?

Some refurbished parts are available from manufacturers or third-party suppliers. In addition, the vehicle recyclers offer used parts directly. “Anyone can use an online form to search specifically for the vehicle model for which they need a part,” says the association of German car recyclers.

The industry is well networked and offers via its portal In addition to searching for parts, you can also search for a suitable workshop that can install the used part.

Do the used parts affect the car warranty?

That depends on the individual case. “In the case of a new car with a current manufacturer’s warranty, the warranty conditions often stipulate that only new original spare parts from the manufacturer may be used for repairs,” according to the ZDK.

So this affects younger vehicles in particular. If there is a used car guarantee for a vehicle, it also depends on the extent to which the conditions allow repairs with used parts.

Is there a parts guarantee on used car parts?

For parts from a reputable source, yes. However, the warranty period may vary. “We always give a six-month guarantee on all parts,” says Hagen Hamm. Warranty periods may vary for manufacturer or third-party refurbished parts.
