This is how you remove unwanted software from your phone or PC | Tech

If you buy a new smartphone or PC, it may just be that the device is full of all kinds of software that you don’t need at all. This is how you recognize and remove this ‘bloatware’.

Bloatware comes in different shapes and sizes. It simply concerns software that you generally do not need, but which is already pre-installed on your new device. In some cases, bloatware even reduces the performance of your laptop or phone. In addition, bloatware can be just plain annoying, as it often shows recurring pop-ups.

How do you recognize bloatware?

Don’t remember installing a program or have the software already on your device when it first boots up? Then it is probably bloatware. It is also possible that you keep seeing pop-ups in your browser or after restarting your device.

This often concerns trial versions of programs. For example, sometimes an antivirus program is already installed on your new computer, for which you still have to pay extra after a short trial period. When you start up your PC, you will immediately receive a message asking you to take out a subscription, while you may want to use a completely different antivirus program yourself.

In addition to pre-installed software, bloatware sometimes comes bundled with software downloads that you perform yourself. You should be careful with this, as bloatware from unofficial websites may contain malware. So don’t go through an installation program too quickly, and take a good look at what other software may be installed. In addition, check Google to see if the source is reliable.

Can you also buy a device without bloatware?

Not all manufacturers provide the same amount of bloatware. Cheaper brands often put more bloatware on their devices than more expensive brands, but that doesn’t mean a more expensive device doesn’t contain bloatware at all.

Manufacturers can earn a lot of money with bloatware. In the case of a pre-installed trial of an antivirus program, the device manufacturer has made a deal with the software publisher so that the latter can attract more customers. The manufacturer’s own apps are also regularly included, such as the Samsung GO app on your Galaxy device or the music software GarageBand on your MacBook.

Looking for a new phone to get the bloatware off? On Best Tested you will find the best budget phones of 2022.

Don’t delete everything haphazardly

Not everything that comes preinstalled on your device is actually bloatware. If you don’t recognize a program, it’s smart to google its function. It may indeed be bloatware, but it may be an important program to keep your system running smoothly.

Have you found any bloatware you want to remove? In most cases, you can remove the bloatware through your device’s program or app settings.

Windows: Go to ‘Start’ and open the ‘Settings’. Then open ‘Apps’ and then ‘Apps and features’. Here you will find an overview of the installed programs. Click on the relevant program and choose ‘Remove’.

Mac: Open the ‘Finder’ and navigate to the ‘Apps’ folder. Select a program of your choice and click in the top left of your menu bar for ‘Archive’ and then for ‘Move to Trash’. If this option is not listed, it is probably a system program. To completely remove the app, open the ‘Trash’ and empty it with the button at the top right.

Android: Go to the settings of your smartphone and open ‘Apps’. Then search the list and remove the bloatware. In some cases, it is not possible to uninstall the app if it is installed by the manufacturer itself. You can then ‘force stop’ the app to prevent the app from running in the background and thus using energy or straining your device.

iPhone: On your iPhone are standard apps such as Stocks, Compass and Podcasts. If you never use these apps, they will take up space on your phone unnecessarily. To free up space, go to your app menu and press and hold the app of your choice. You will then see ‘Delete app’ in the list. It is not possible to delete all default apps on your iPhone. Clock, Wallet and Safari, among others, are not removable.
