This is how you remove the best green attack from your terrace

This is the best way to remove the green deposits from your terrace and your garden or balcony will look picobello again:

The green deposit that you see on your terrace comes from algae and moss. Mosses and algae are known to retain water and this can result in a greenish coating on your tiles. When you’re sitting in the garden, the sight of such a green terrace can ruin your moment in the sun: clean tiles simply look fresher and cleaner. So here are some useful tips:

cleaning vinegar

Cleaning is perhaps the most popular cleaning agent when it comes to a green attack on your terrace. If you want to use this vinegar, it is important that you first wipe your patio and remove leaves and sand residues. Then fill a plant sprayer with cleaning vinegar and tap water and spray the garden tiles with it. Let the substance work well and you will see that the attack is gone after a few days. It is best to do this on a sunny day, so that the vinegar soaks in well.


Biotex is also a remedy that many people use to remove green deposits on their terrace. This remedy is known for easily removing stains from clothing and apparently this also applies to your patio tiles. The enzymes in the Biotex completely eat away algae and moss. All you have to do is mix a little Biotex with lukewarm water in a bucket and then pour it over your patio. Then grab a broom and scrub all the greenery off your patio. Then rinse your terrace with water and make sure all Biotex is gone.

potato water

Sounds a bit crazy, but apparently this really works. The starch in potato water ensures that green algae disappear. All you have to do is pour the water over the terrace after boiling the potatoes and then scrub everything clean with a broom. Rinse away all the dirt with water and your terrace is nice and clean again.

Green soap

Green soap is also a good alternative to aggressive scale removers. Sometimes you have to be careful with special remedies. Many products can cause irritation. There is a reason why you should wear safety glasses and gloves. Mix five tablespoons of baking soda and five tablespoons of green soap in a bucket of ten liters of hot water. Throw the contents of the bucket evenly over the entire terrace and spread it over the tiles with a hard broom. Let it work for a while and then rinse the tiles with water. The nasty attack is gone in no time.

When it comes to cleaning your terrace, there are also two important things don’ts† It is not wise to just use a pressure washer for your dirty tiles. Because of the force of the sprayer, the structure of the top layer of your tiles can become more porous, so that they will break faster. In addition, a high-pressure sprayer makes the surface rougher, so that moss and dirt return more quickly.

You should absolutely not use chlorine either: this is a very aggressive agent and it is also harmful to the environment. Surrounding plants, borders and turf will have to deal with the harmful effects of draining chlorinated water and you really don’t want that.

Has your garden furniture also fallen victim to green deposits? Then this cleaning tip will come in handy:

Source: Gardener Roel ZuidemaRadar

March 13, 2022
