This is how you protect your pet against ticks and fleas

The tick season is in full swing. That means checking your dog or cat regularly for these sneaky parasites. But how do you actually prevent them, and how do you remove them if you do find one? Pet store Animal Feed Zoetermeer gives tips.

Most dogs and cats like to roam around in the bushes or roll through the tall grass. Ticks are then lurking and they can be quite annoying.

Itchy wounds

“Tick bites can cause wounds on pets, which are often made worse by the animal scratching itself excessively,” says owner Alfred. “They can also transmit diseases, just like humans.”

Then there are fleas. “They can settle in your animal’s fur and also cause stinging wounds. Plus, they can be a pest in your home.”

This is how you prevent flea or tick bites

Preventing flea or tick bites is therefore very important. Animal feed Zoetermeer sells various means for this. Alfred: “Most need a few days to move in and do their work. These resources then remain active for a longer period of time. There are also products that take effect within a few hours, but they work for a shorter period of time. We actually only recommend this if the animal already suffers from fleas or a tick.”

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Alfred demonstrates the application of a flea agent. Dog Laika takes it calmly. (Image: near Zoetermeer)

This is how you apply anti-flea product

How exactly do you apply the anti-flea product? Alfred calls his dog Laika over and shows it. Laika sits down meekly and doesn’t move, while Alfred reassures her. Alfred holds aside a tuft of fur on the back of her neck, gently places the tube against the skin, squeezing the liquid from the package onto the skin. A point of attention from Alfred: “Do not stroke the neck for at least 48 hours after application. Did it by accident? Then wash your hands well.”

This is how you remove a tick

Has your pet caught a tick? Pet Foods sells special pliers for easy removal. “Take a moment to do this and put your pet at ease. Give your pet a tasty snack or his favorite toy. Comb the fur to the side where you felt or saw the tick. Grab the tick by the head with the pliers (i.e. as close to the skin as possible) and pull it out slowly but firmly. Do not turn: this increases the risk that the tick will break in two and a piece will remain in the skin of your faithful companion. That can cause irritation or inflammation.”

personal advice

Do you want more information? The employees of Diervoeders Zoetermeer will be happy to advise you on how to keep your pet healthy. Feel free to visit the Storkstraat 8 or get in touch
