This is how you have breakfast like a pro: dietician Wendy explains

Let’s start with the good news: breakfast should contain quite a few calories.

Need a lot of energy

“An average adult woman can eat about 2000 calories a day. That’s quite a lot,” says Wendy. “If you divide that over three main meals and some snacks, you see that a good breakfast can really be a few hundred calories rich. Many people who experience a dip around 4 p.m. have often eaten too little earlier in the day.”

What about people who prefer not to eat too heavy a breakfast? “Of course it’s fine not to have breakfast against your will,” says Wendy. “But make sure you take your breakfast with you when you go out. It’s a shame if you don’t have breakfast, but then grab a pastry with your coffee at 10:00 at work because you’re hungry.”

What does the ideal breakfast consist of?

One person prefers to eat a sandwich with cheese, the other prefers a bowl of yogurt. “Both can be great choices for a healthy breakfast,” says Wendy. “But what really matters is the ratio of the nutrients in such a breakfast.”

For example, it is important to ensure that your breakfast contains enough carbohydrates. “Carbohydrates are converted into glucose by our body. Our brain needs 130 grams of glucose per day to function, so there is nothing wrong with that. It is good for you to vary the grains in which your carbohydrates are packed.”

Breakfast with wheat

In the Netherlands, for example, we mainly eat a lot of wheat, while rye or oats are also very healthy. “That’s why I’m a big fan of oatmeal myself. It contains many healthy vitamins and minerals and also very special fibers that are very healthy. On top of that, oats have been shown to lower your cholesterol, so that’s a nice side effect.” Wendy also recommends that if you eat bread for breakfast, choose something else for lunch. “It’s healthier to vary a bit more.”

In addition to ensuring sufficient carbohydrates, it is also good if there is some protein in your breakfast. “This can be pure peanut butter on a sandwich, for example, you can also make a bowl of oatmeal with milk or soy milk instead of water. Then you add those proteins.” Proteins and carbohydrates together provide a feeling of satiety.

“If you really want to get it right, it’s best to add some fresh fruit and nuts or seeds to their breakfast. Then you have a combined breakfast that is rich in protein, healthy fats, fiber, energy, vitamins and minerals,” says Wendy.

Sugar in grains

If you want to have breakfast with yogurt containing a grain product, it is good to pay attention to the added sugars. “In those crispy muesli or breakfast cereals, and even in oven-baked granola, there is quite a lot of sugar. That actually causes you to have a sugar dip later in the day or later in the morning and that is not what you want.” If you have breakfast with bread, it is also good to watch out for fats and salt. “You often spread butter on bread, and if you top it with cheese, for example, that adds up to quite a bit of salt and fat. You avoid that by having breakfast with yogurt or soy milk with oatmeal, for example.”

Juice or coffee?

Wendy does not recommend drinking fruit juice with breakfast. “In any case, I would advise to stay away from fruit juices,” she says. “When you squeeze a fruit for the juice, only liquid with sugar and taste remains. Most of the vitamins and fiber from the fruit do not end up in that juice.”

A cup of coffee with breakfast is therefore fine. “You can safely grab a cup of black coffee before, with or after breakfast. The timing doesn’t matter. It is better to drink coffee in the morning than in the afternoon. Caffeine stays in your body for a long time, so if you drink a lot of coffee later in the afternoon, you sleep less well.”

An egg is included

Eating an egg for breakfast is fine. Depending on your diet, three eggs a week is no problem. “Although I prefer a diet that is as plant-based as possible, I think it is a huge benefit if you put an egg on your bread instead of salami at breakfast.”


Wendy is not particularly positive or negative about smoothies. “It’s better than a juice, because the smoothie often contains the whole piece of fruit. But I would recommend to be careful with a lot of fruit in one smoothie. That way, the sugars are quite high.” You can also add vegetables to a smoothie instead. “If you also use a handful of spinach in your smoothie, that is super healthy. And because fruit is so sweet, you don’t taste it as strongly.”

Even if you want to gain weight, smoothies can be recommended. “If you also add nut butters or a handful of grains, for example, you can make them high in calories. Because they are liquid it is easier to eat, but they contain the same nutrients that way. So that can be very nice for some people.” At the same time, it is also a risk for that reason: “If you already eat enough without smoothies, they might be too much of a good thing.”

Breakfast in balance

All of the above may sound a bit overwhelming. There’s no need to rigorously adjust your breakfast, Wendy says. “Many people who come to me with questions about breakfast often ask about very specific details about certain foods. While I think it’s already a gain if someone starts eating a healthier breakfast than he or she did. Even if it is done in small steps.” So grab a piece of fruit more often for breakfast or replace your cheese sandwich with a bowl of yogurt, then you’re already on the right track.

March 20, 2022
