This is how you can protect yourself from home burglars

Although the number of crimes is decreasing, there is still one break-in every hour in Berlin

Although the number of crimes is decreasing, there is still one break-in every hour in Berlin Photo: picture alliance / imageBROKER

From BZ/dpa

It’s always season for burglars – and in the dark season there may be even more opportunities for their sinister business. The police give tips on how to protect yourself.

Most people are afraid of strangers breaking into their home and stealing valuables.

Anyway: Almost half of all burglaries (2022: 46.8 percent) remain in the experimental stage, according to the state and federal police crime prevention agencies. Precautionary measures can help prevent break-ins.

These are the most important precautionary measures:

► Be sure to lock the front door when you leave the house. Even if it’s only for a short time.

► If you are away for a long time: Do not give any information about your absence on social networks or on the answering machine.

► Also close windows, balcony and patio doors. “Remember: tilted windows are open windows.”

► Just in case, many homeowners hide a key somewhere outside – but they should “never” do this. Burglars are resourceful.

► And if the key is lost: replace the lock cylinder.

► Be alert: “Watch out for strangers in your residential complex or on the neighboring property,” advises the police. And: “If you see anything suspicious, inform the police immediately on 110.”


Burglary news guide guide: household and care
