This is how you, as Zoetermeerder, can help the people in Ukraine

Extra long newsreels, images of people fleeing with only a briefcase of possessions or pets… There is a good chance that you will feel helpless when you see the images from Ukraine, where a war is raging. However, as a Zoetermeer, you don’t have to sit still: below you will find a selection of Zoetermeer calls to help the people in Ukraine.

Ukraine donation

Cassandra van Es has started a fundraising campaign to help the people in the shelters in Austria with all kinds of things. Think of medicines such as paracetamol, care products and children’s clothing. She plans to bring all the collected items to Austria herself. View the Facebook group Donation Ukraine here† On this page she tells you when you can bring your stuff to the Parkdreef in Seghwaert.

Donate a baby carrier

Carry Around collects baby carriers for Isara in Romania. They want to help families in Ukraine to flee. Babies and small children can be transported in a baby carrier. Do you still have one laying around? Donate the baby carrier and bring it to the Ooiweide 40 in Seghwaert.

Offer shelter

Ukraine Refugees NL asks Dutch people if they have room to take in a family or pets. Some Zoetermeer residents respond positively to the call. Do you want more information? Then look at the Facebook group Ukraine Refugees NL

Goods to Poland

Michael Jansen from The Hague and his wife collect goods in The Hague and Zoetermeer for refugees from Ukraine. Items such as warm clothing, hygiene products, non-perishable food and more go to Poland where the people are taken care of. You can hand in the items at Wattstraat 19A.
