This is how Ukraine’s Eurovision winners commented on the Eurovision Song Contest held in Britain

The Ukrainian band that won Eurovision 2022 is satisfied with the decision made. They plan to celebrate Ukraine in the upcoming songs.

The members of the Kalush Orchestra are happy that the Eurovision Song Contest is taking place, even though there is a state of war in their home country. PDO

The European Broadcasting Union, or EBU, confirmed yesterday that next year’s Eurovision Song Contest will be organized by Great Britain. Now this year’s winner, the Ukrainian Kalush Orchestra, comments on the decision.

– Of course, we are sad that Eurovision cannot be held next year in Ukraine, the soloist of the winning band Oleh Psiuk comment.

– However, we are grateful to Britain for their support and that they agree to organize the event to support our country.

Traditionally, Eurovision is held in the country that won the previous contest, but due to the war in Ukraine, the event cannot be held in the winning country next year.

Despite the war situation Stephanie-the band that won with the song is optimistic about the future.

– We hope that Eurovision 2023 will celebrate our beautiful and unique culture with Ukrainian decorations. We are going to do everything we can to help Ukraine win next year as well, so that Eurovision 2024 can take place in a peaceful country.

After Ukraine’s victory, the future host country was speculated for a long time and finally it was chosen between Great Britain and Sweden. Yesterday, in the arrangements, a final decision was reached regarding the upcoming competition.

Great Britain, which was selected as the host country for the future Eurovision Song Contest, finished second this year to Sam Ryder Space Man – song. It has not yet been confirmed in which city the games will be held, but Glasgow and Manchester, among others, have offered themselves as host cities.

Source: Metro

The five representatives of Ukraine play their winning song in the interview.
