This is how the storm will pass over our country tomorrow | Storm

Today the storm already caused damage in several places in our country, but code yellow will also apply to the entire country tomorrow. Moreover, the RMI does not rule out the possibility of scaling up to code orange. According to our weatherman Frank Duboccage, there will be even more rain tomorrow and we should prepare ourselves for gusts of wind up to 100 kilometers per hour. In addition, there is even a small chance of tornadoes. What can we expect tomorrow?

Today wind gusts of up to 90 kilometers per hour were measured and there was quite a lot of rain, up to about 30 millimeters per square meter. “Tomorrow there will be 30 to 40 millimeters of rain in many places and the wind will also be stronger, to more than 100 km/h,” says weatherman Frank Duboccage. In addition, there is a risk of hail and the hail balls could be large enough to cause damage, including to cars. “So people have to take that into account,” warns the weatherman.

The first rain will arrive around 8 a.m. tomorrow along the French border. “It will be raining heavily by 11 a.m. in many places along the border with France and in the west of the country,” said Duboccage.


Between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m., the precipitation will shift and rain will fall all over Belgium. “It will mainly rain heavily in the west of the country, in the center and east there will be thunderstorms with strong wind gusts of more than 100 km/h. There can also be hail in several places,” it sounds.



In the course of the afternoon it will be mostly dry again in the western part of Belgium. The largest rain zone is then still above the Ardennes and the extreme north of our country, with a new chance of hail and strong winds.



According to Frank Duboccage, there is also a – very small – chance of tornadoes tomorrow. “Tomorrow there will probably also be wind shear. Then the wind direction changes at certain heights and you get a twist, which means there is a chance of a tornado,” explains the weatherman. This chance is greatest in the extreme east of Belgium and the northeast of France. “That is why a code two is given in that ‘red’ region, especially Luxembourg,” concludes the weatherman.


OVERVIEW. The storm has already caused this damage in your province

Small chance of tornado in Flanders tomorrow: “Be vigilant and use your common sense” (+)

Also see: Thunderstorms provide stunning images across the country
