This is how the sea water in Barcelona suddenly heated up and cooled due to the heat wave and the storm

Catalonia has suffered a thermal shock due to the storm this weekend. At the same time, Barcelona You have also experienced a sudden drop in air temperature. sea on your coast. The water on the shore has turned three degrees colder since Friday, reflecting the temperatures and rainfall experienced in the surface.

According to the buoy data of the State Ports in Barcelona, ​​bathers have noticed a change as of Friday. Until that day, the water was still around 30 degrees; instead, the buoy thermometer registered 25.8 degrees on the morning of this Monday. Is a difference noticeable in just three days, especially if one considers that the sea usually varies in temperature in a much more staggered with the passing of seasons.

Although the temperature is still very high for Mediterranean waters, it is likely that they will continue to cool due to the change in weather during the course of the week. Below, you can consult a graph with the water temperatures on the beaches of Barcelona in recent days.

A heat wave appeased by the storm

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According to Meteocat, temperatures dropped 10 degrees in the Catalan capital due to the storm over the weekend: they went from adding 30.8 degrees on average last Thursday to 20.9 degrees on average on Sunday. The rainy they have been the only ones that have been able to appease the crushing waves of heat who have punished the people of Barcelona day and night this August.

In any case, the weather forecast for Meteocat promises more stability in the coming days. At storms electrical and of hail one happens to them breeze of fresh air that, for the moment and for the peace of mind of many, has come to stay a few more days.
